Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Jacques Louis David - Paintings

Jacques-Louis David, a leading Jacobin, was the most important French painter of the Revolution era. He is also considered a pioneer of neo-classical painting in France.
Born on August 30, 1748 in Paris.
Died on December 29, 1825 in Brussels.
Inspired by the study of antiquity during his stay in Italy, Jacques-Louis David focused on neo-classical painting. With the painting of the "Oath of the Horatii", which boasts by a clear composition and the reduced image elements, he celebrated great successes and defined the most important stylistic devices of Classicism. During the French Revolution, David used his pathetic-looking paintings in order to express his political views. In 1795, he was appointed First Painter at Napoleon's court. In his Brussels exile, after the fall of Napoleon, he increasingly created portraits of other displaced convent members again.
Jacques Louis David


Jacques Louis David  - paintings - The Lictors Returns to Brutus the Bodies of his Sons
The Lictors Returns to Brutus the Bodies of his Sons

Jacques Louis David  - paintings - The Oath of the Horatii
The Oath of the Horatii

Jacques Louis David  - paintings - The Death of Socrates
The Death of Socrates

Jacques Louis David  - paintings - Portrait of Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes
Portrait of Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes

Jacques Louis David  - paintings - Sappho and Phaon
Sappho and Phaon

Jacques Louis David  - paintings - Bonarparte, Calm on a Fire Steed the Alps
Bonarparte, Calm on a Fire Steed the Alps

Jacques Louis David  - paintings - Portraet der Toechter Joseph Bonapartes
Portraet der Toechter Joseph Bonapartes

Jacques Louis David  - paintings - Portraet des Napoleon im Kaiserlichen Gewand
Portraet des Napoleon im Kaiserlichen Gewand

Jacques Louis David  - paintings - Portraet des Papstes Pius VII und Kardinal Caprara
Portraet des Papstes Pius VII und Kardinal Caprara

Jacques Louis David  - paintings - Portraet Madame Racamier
Portraet Madame Racamier

Jacques Louis David  - paintings - Napoleon I und Kroenung Kaiserin Josephine
Napoleon I und Kroenung Kaiserin Josephine


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Jacques Louis David - paintings