Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Childe Hassam - Paintings

Childe Hassam was a well-known American painter and illustrator of Impressionism. Due to his parents’ kinship with painters and writers, he had contacts with intellectual circles early in his life.
Born: 17 October 1859 in Dorchester, Massachusetts, USA
Died: 27 August 1935 in East Hampton, New York, USA
Due to the family’s kinship with the plein air painter William Morris Hunt, Childe Hassam's own style is led early in this direction. After an initial training in drawing, Hassam works as an illustrator for a long time. In addition to that, through his teacher Ignaz Marcel Gaugengigl, he also gets acquainted to French plein air painting and to German Realism. In his early work, he still experiments with his own style, which alternates between these different styles. Only by means of a trip through Europe, he gets acquainted with the French Impressionists, and starts painting Impressionist landscapes alongside his famous, realistic Boston street scenes. In his later work, symbolic motifs are added, which in turn represent an extension of his work.
Childe Hassam


Childe Hassam  - paintings - Die Kirche von Old Lyme, Connecticut
Die Kirche von Old Lyme, Connecticut

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Die Kirche von Old Lyme, Connecticut
Die Kirche von Old Lyme, Connecticut

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Die Obsthändlerin
Die Obsthändlerin

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Die Sonate
Die Sonate

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Die Spanischen Treppen
Die Spanischen Treppen

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Die südlichen Felsenriffs, Appledore
Die südlichen Felsenriffs, Appledore

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Die Treppe herabsteigend, Central Park
Die Treppe herabsteigend, Central Park

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Droschkenstand, Rue Bonaparte
Droschkenstand, Rue Bonaparte

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Drosckenstand bei Nacht, Madison Square
Drosckenstand bei Nacht, Madison Square

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Duck Island
Duck Island

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Durchgang in Canterbury
Durchgang in Canterbury

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Ein Frühlingsmorgen
Ein Frühlingsmorgen

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Ein Garten auf Long Island
Ein Garten auf Long Island

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Ein Landweg
Ein Landweg

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Ein städtisches Märchenland
Ein städtisches Märchenland

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Eine Fischerhütte, Gloucester
Eine Fischerhütte, Gloucester

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Eis auf dem Hudson
Eis auf dem Hudson

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Ende der Strassenbahnlinie, Oak Park, Illinois
Ende der Strassenbahnlinie, Oak Park, Illinois

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Entlang der Seine, Winter
Entlang der Seine, Winter

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Erntefest, New England
Erntefest, New England

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Fiacre, Rue Bonaparte
Fiacre, Rue Bonaparte

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Fifth Avenue
Fifth Avenue

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Fifth Avenue im Winter
Fifth Avenue im Winter

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Figuren im Sonnenlicht
Figuren im Sonnenlicht

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Flaggen auf der Fifth Avenue, Winter 1918
Flaggen auf der Fifth Avenue, Winter 1918

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Flaggen, Fifth Avenue
Flaggen, Fifth Avenue

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Frau schneidet Rosen in einem Garten
Frau schneidet Rosen in einem Garten

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Frau verkauft Blumen
Frau verkauft Blumen

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Frühling im Central Park
Frühling im Central Park

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Frühlingsmorgen im Herzen der Stadt
Frühlingsmorgen im Herzen der Stadt

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Geranien

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Haus der Gärten, Worlds Columbian Exposition, Chicago
Haus der Gärten, Worlds Columbian Exposition, Chicago

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Havana

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Im Central Park
Im Central Park

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Im Garten
Im Garten

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Im Garten in Villiers-le-Bel
Im Garten in Villiers-le-Bel

Childe Hassam  - paintings - Im Park in St. Cloud
Im Park in St. Cloud

Childe Hassam  - paintings - In dem alten Haus
In dem alten Haus

Childe Hassam  - paintings - In einem französischem Garten
In einem französischem Garten

Childe Hassam  - paintings - In Gloucester
In Gloucester


© Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann
For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Childe Hassam - paintings