Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Francisco Jose de Goya

Portrait des spanischen Justizministers Jose Antonio Marquez Caballero

  The painting "Portrait des spanischen Justizministers Jose Antonio Marquez Caballero" from the artist Francisco Jose de Goya as high-quality, hand-painted oil painting replication.
Original size: 106 x 84 cm
Zoom inPortrait des spanischen Justizministers Jose Antonio Marquez Caballero

 Size in inch  Dollar
12" x 16"  490 $
16" x 20"  500 $
20" x 24"  550 $
20" x 28"  600 $
24" x 28"  650 $
24" x 31"  690 $
24" x 35"  700 $
28" x 31"  720 $
31" x 39"  850 $
31" x 47"  920 $
35" x 47"  970 $
 Special size   On Query
 Original size   On Query
 Special Craque Procedure   On Query
Shipping Charges  Dollar
Deutschland / Germany 19 $
EU 25 $
International 59 $

Oil Coating Dollar
Without Oil coating -
With Oil coating 12 $

 value added tax included

© Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann
For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Portrait des spanischen Justizministers Jose Antonio Marquez Caballero

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My enquiry concerning Special size: "Portrait des spanischen Justizministers Jose Antonio Marquez Caballero"
Bild:Portrait des spanischen Justizministers Jose Antonio Marquez Caballero

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