Gemälde - Ölgemälde

claude monet - Paintings

Claude Monet, is considered the most famous French Impressionist artist, also due to his marine painting "Impression, Sunrise", which was published in 1874. The style was named after this painting.
Born on November 14, 1840 in Paris.
Died on December 06, 1926 in Giverny.
Claude Monet became above all known for his atmospheric, evocative Water Liles. In 1860, he learned to know the artist Pissarrot through his studies at the Académie Suisse and, shortly afterwards, in the studio, Charles Gleyre, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Frédéric Bazille and Alfred Sisley. With them, he established the new style called "Impressionism". Influenced by the plein-air painting of Boudin, Claude Monet began to paint traditional subjects in an entirely style, which opposed the academic requirements: He replaced the low-dimensional presentation by atmospheric painting. Instead of choosing solid form painted in local colors, he composed his characters and objects from in tiny spots of color. Like a building looking different in the varying natural daylight from one moment to the next, Claude Monet presented the same landscape repeatedly on the canvas, using new emotional variations each time. After experiencing strong hostility from the part of the Academy in his early work, as all his Impressionist friends did, Claude Monet came to fame and prestige with his late work from 1883 onwards. Especially his light-flooded water lilies and lily cycles performing looming movements and his pictures showing the Rouen Cathedral, which were created in 1892, contributed to this.
Claude Monet


claude monet  - paintings - Stuermisches Meer bei Etretat
Stuermisches Meer bei Etretat

claude monet  - paintings - Stuermisches Meer bei Pourville
Stuermisches Meer bei Pourville

claude monet  - paintings - Sturm an der Kueste von Belle Ille
Sturm an der Kueste von Belle Ille

claude monet  - paintings - Trauerweiden in Giverny
Trauerweiden in Giverny

claude monet  - paintings - Truthaehne

claude monet  - paintings - Uferpromenade von Argenteuil
Uferpromenade von Argenteuil

claude monet  - paintings - Vase mit Topinamburblueten
Vase mit Topinamburblueten

claude monet  - paintings - Vetheuil im Nebel
Vetheuil im Nebel

claude monet  - paintings - Vier Baeume
Vier Baeume

claude monet  - paintings - Villen in Bordighera
Villen in Bordighera

claude monet  - paintings - Wassergarten in Giverny
Wassergarten in Giverny

claude monet  - paintings - Weg im Garten
Weg im Garten

claude monet  - paintings - Weizenfeld

claude monet  - paintings - Windmuehlen bei Zaadam
Windmuehlen bei Zaadam

claude monet  - paintings - Zaandam


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claude monet - paintings