Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Francisco Jose de Goya - Paintings

Francisco de Goya, whose work does not seem to belong to any era, was the most important Spanish painter and graphic artist around 1800.
Born on March 30, 1746 in Fuendetodos near Zaragoza.
Died on April 16, 1828 in Bordeaux.
Francisco de Goya, who came in touch with the late Baroque church painting through his education and training, did neither feel really attached to this style nor to the academic Classicism. The strengthening of the liberal-minded middle class and the Napoleonic War, were also reflected in Goya's political views and caused a sharp break in his paintings. Having been working as first painter at the Spanish royal court since 1795, Goya's attitude turned towards the liberal bourgeoisie. While formerly genre scenes dominated, then Francisco de Goya preferred topics showing the people in existentially threatening situations. In addition, his very intimate portraits are characterized by their relentless realism which in the case of the painting "The Naked Maya", provoked a conflict with the Inquisition.
Francisco Jose de Goya


Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Angriff auf eine Burg auf einem Felsen
Angriff auf eine Burg auf einem Felsen

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Besuch des Moenchs
Besuch des Moenchs

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Das Begraebnis der Sardina
Das Begraebnis der Sardina

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Das Pestlazarett
Das Pestlazarett

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Der Arzt
Der Arzt

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - The Crockery Vendor
The Crockery Vendor

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - The Straw Manikin
The Straw Manikin

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Der Kadaver des Jesuiten Brebeuf
Der Kadaver des Jesuiten Brebeuf

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - The Colossus
The Colossus

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Der Schleifer (El Afilador)
Der Schleifer (El Afilador)

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Winter

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - The Parasol
The Parasol

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Clothed Maja
Clothed Maja

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - The Bewitched Man
The Bewitched Man

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Die letzte Kommunion des Heiligen Josph von Calasanza
Die letzte Kommunion des Heiligen Josph von Calasanza

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Nude Maja
Nude Maja

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Einst und jetzt
Einst und jetzt

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Episode aus dem spanischen Unabhaengigkeitskrieg
Episode aus dem spanischen Unabhaengigkeitskrieg

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - May 3, 1808
May 3, 1808

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Frau aus dem Volk im eleganten Kleid
Frau aus dem Volk im eleganten Kleid

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Procession of Flagellants on Good Friday
Procession of Flagellants on Good Friday

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Hexensabbat

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - The Second of May 1808
The Second of May 1808

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Knaben mit Bluthunden
Knaben mit Bluthunden

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - La Tirana
La Tirana

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Lesende Maenner
Lesende Maenner

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Maibaum

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Majas on a Balcony
Majas on a Balcony

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Maja and the Masked Men
Maja and the Masked Men

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Milchmaedchen von Bordeaux
Milchmaedchen von Bordeaux

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Phantastische Vision
Phantastische Vision

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Pilgerzug

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Doña Isabel Cobos de Porcel
Doña Isabel Cobos de Porcel

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Dona Tadea Arias de Enríquez
Dona Tadea Arias de Enríquez

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Doña Teresa Sureda
Doña Teresa Sureda

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñiga
Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñiga

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Dr Pearl
Dr Pearl

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - The Countess of El Carpio
The Countess of El Carpio

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - The Duke and Duchess of Osuna and their Children
The Duke and Duchess of Osuna and their Children

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings - Charles IV and his Family
Charles IV and his Family


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For mistakes and misprints no liability is taken over.
Duplication only with approval the Galerie & Kunsthandel Bergmann

Francisco Jose de Goya - paintings