Gemälde - Ölgemälde

Jean Simeon Chardin - Paintings

Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin is considered the most prominent French genre and still-life painters of the 18th century.
Born on November 02, 1699 in Paris.
Died on December 06, 1779 in Paris.
Jean-Baptiste Siméon Chardin's work mainly consists of genre pictures and still lifes. As an acknowledged animal and fruit painter at the Académie Royale, he was considered a master of his genre. In addition, his figurative works that were inspired by David Teniers and Gerard Dou impress by their finely graded colors and the inner tranquility of his figures that were captured during every-day activities. For the painters of Impressionists, he mainly gained importance again through his still lifes.
Jean Simeon Chardin



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Jean Simeon Chardin - paintings